BitJazz SheerVideo FAQ Formats: Pixel Formats
Does SheerVideo support '24BG' or BGR?
Does SheerVideo support '2vuy', '2Vuy', '2VUY', 'uyvy', '224Y' (Y422), 'VNYU' (UYNV), or 'YVYU' (UYVY)?
Does SheerVideo support '5551'?
Does SheerVideo support 'A46L'?
Does SheerVideo support 'ABGR'?
Does SheerVideo support 'B555'?
Does SheerVideo support 'B565'?
Does SheerVideo support 'BGRA'?
Does SheerVideo support 'CLJR'?
Does SheerVideo support 'F10k'?
Does SheerVideo support 'F210'?
Does SheerVideo support 'I420, 'IMC1', 'IMC2', 'IMC3', 'IMC4', 'IYUV', 'NV12', 'NV21', 'Y41B', 'YUV9', 'YVU9', or 'YV12'?
Does SheerVideo support 'IUYV' or 'M101'?
Does SheerVideo support 'IY41'?
Does SheerVideo support 'L555'?
Does SheerVideo support 'L565'?
Does SheerVideo support 'L64A'?
Does SheerVideo support 'R10k'?
Does SheerVideo support 'RGBA'?
Does SheerVideo support 'S10k'?
Does SheerVideo support 'S210'?
Does SheerVideo support 'UYVY' (YVYU)?
Does SheerVideo support 'V416'?
Does SheerVideo support 'VRGB'?
Does SheerVideo support 'VUYA'?
Does SheerVideo support 'Y216'?
Does SheerVideo support 'Y411', 'Y41P', or 'Y211''?
Does SheerVideo support 'Y41T'?
Does SheerVideo support 'Y42B' or 'YV16'?
Does SheerVideo support 'Y42T'?
Does SheerVideo support 'YUVP'?
Does SheerVideo support 'b16g'?
Does SheerVideo support 'b32a'?
Does SheerVideo support 'b48r'?
Does SheerVideo support 'b64a'?
Does SheerVideo support 'cvuy'?
Does SheerVideo support 'r210'?
Does SheerVideo support 'r408'?
Does SheerVideo support 'v210' or 'V210'?
Does SheerVideo support 'v216'?
Does SheerVideo support 'v308' or 'IRAW'?
Does SheerVideo support 'v408'?
Does SheerVideo support 'v410'?
Does SheerVideo support 'yuvs', 'YUYV', '2YUY' (YUY2), 'VYUY', or 'YUNV'?
Does SheerVideo support 'yuvu' or 'yuv2'?
Does SheerVideo support ARGB?
Does SheerVideo support RGB?
Does SheerVideo support Y or 'Y800'?
Does SheerVideo support YA8?
Does SheerVideo support 'b64a'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'b64a' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows,
but currently only to 10 bits of precision.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'b64a' is
which encodes from and decodes to 10-bit 'b64a' losslessly in real time.
The generic Sheer encoder encodes 'b64a' as Sheer RGB[A] 10bf.
Sheer RGB[A] 8bf also encodes from and decodes to this pixel format in real time, but only to 8 bits of precision.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4] also encode from and decode to 'b64a',
though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'b64a' is a chunky compositing display-color pixel format
with a precision of up to 16 bits per component,
where the components are stored in a 64-bit word in the big-endian order
- A: Alpha
- R: Red
- G: Green
- B: Blue
In detail, the components of a 'b64a' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 8-byte word (upper half) |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
63 | 62 | 61 | 60 | 59 | 58 | 57 | 56 | 55 | 54 | 53 | 52 | 51 | 50 | 49 | 48 | 47 | 46 | 45 | 44 | 43 | 42 | 41 | 40 | 39 | 38 | 37 | 36 | 35 | 34 | 33 | 32 |
Af | Ae | Ad | Ac | Ab | Aa | A9 | A8 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
Rf | Re | Rd | Rc | Rb | Ra | R9 | R8 |
R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
big-endian 8-byte word (lower half) |
Byte 4 | Byte 5 | Byte 6 | Byte 7 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
Gf | Ge | Gd | Gc | Gb | Ga | G9 | G8 |
G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
Bf | Be | Bd | Bc | Bb | Ba | B9 | B8 |
B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
little-endian 8-byte word (upper half) |
Byte 7 | Byte 6 | Byte 5 | Byte 4 |
63 | 62 | 61 | 60 | 59 | 58 | 57 | 56 | 55 | 54 | 53 | 52 | 51 | 50 | 49 | 48 | 47 | 46 | 45 | 44 | 43 | 42 | 41 | 40 | 39 | 38 | 37 | 36 | 35 | 34 | 33 | 32 |
B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
Bf | Be | Bd | Bc | Bb | Ba | B9 | B8 |
G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
Gf | Ge | Gd | Gc | Gb | Ga | G9 | G8 |
little-endian 8-byte word (lower half) |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
Rf | Re | Rd | Rc | Rb | Ra | R9 | R8 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
Af | Ae | Ad | Ac | Ab | Aa | A9 | A8 |
All three components are full-range unsigned integers.
Inside QuickTime, 'b64a' is known as k64ARGBCodecType.
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Does SheerVideo support 'L64A'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'L64A' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows,
but currently only to 10 bits of precision.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'L64A' is
which encodes from and decodes to 10-bit 'L64A' losslessly in real time.
The generic Sheer encoder encodes 'L64A' as Sheer RGB[A] 10bf.
Sheer RGB[A] 8bf also encodes from and decodes to this pixel format in real time, but only to 8 bits of precision.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4] also encode from and decode to 'L64A',
though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'L64A' is a chunky compositing display-color pixel format
with a precision of up to 16 bits per component,
where the components are stored in a 64-bit word in the little-endian order
- A: Alpha
- R: Red
- G: Green
- B: Blue
In detail, the components of a 'L64A' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 8-byte word (upper half) |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
63 | 62 | 61 | 60 | 59 | 58 | 57 | 56 | 55 | 54 | 53 | 52 | 51 | 50 | 49 | 48 | 47 | 46 | 45 | 44 | 43 | 42 | 41 | 40 | 39 | 38 | 37 | 36 | 35 | 34 | 33 | 32 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
Af | Ae | Ad | Ac | Ab | Aa | A9 | A8 |
R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
Rf | Re | Rd | Rc | Rb | Ra | R9 | R8 |
big-endian 8-byte word (lower half) |
Byte 4 | Byte 5 | Byte 6 | Byte 7 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
Gf | Ge | Gd | Gc | Gb | Ga | G9 | G8 |
B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
Bf | Be | Bd | Bc | Bb | Ba | B9 | B8 |
little-endian 8-byte word (upper half) |
Byte 7 | Byte 6 | Byte 5 | Byte 4 |
63 | 62 | 61 | 60 | 59 | 58 | 57 | 56 | 55 | 54 | 53 | 52 | 51 | 50 | 49 | 48 | 47 | 46 | 45 | 44 | 43 | 42 | 41 | 40 | 39 | 38 | 37 | 36 | 35 | 34 | 33 | 32 |
Bf | Be | Bd | Bc | Bb | Ba | B9 | B8 |
B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
Gf | Ge | Gd | Gc | Gb | Ga | G9 | G8 |
G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
little-endian 8-byte word (lower half) |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
Rf | Re | Rd | Rc | Rb | Ra | R9 | R8 |
R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
Af | Ae | Ad | Ac | Ab | Aa | A9 | A8 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
All three components are full-range unsigned integers.
Inside Adobe Premiere, 'L64A' is known as ARGB_4444_16u.
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Does SheerVideo support 'A46L'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'A46L' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows,
but currently only to 10 bits of precision.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'A46L' is
which encodes from and decodes to 10-bit 'A46L' losslessly in real time.
The generic Sheer encoder encodes 'A46L' as Sheer RGB[A] 10bf.
Sheer RGB[A] 8bf also encodes from and decodes to this pixel format in real time, but only to 8 bits of precision.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4] also encode from and decode to 'A46L',
though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'A46L' is a chunky compositing display-color pixel format
with a precision of up to 16 bits per component,
where the components are stored in a 64-bit word in the little-endian order
- B: Blue
- G: Green
- R: Red
- A: Alpha
In detail, the components of a 'A46L' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 8-byte word (upper half) |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
63 | 62 | 61 | 60 | 59 | 58 | 57 | 56 | 55 | 54 | 53 | 52 | 51 | 50 | 49 | 48 | 47 | 46 | 45 | 44 | 43 | 42 | 41 | 40 | 39 | 38 | 37 | 36 | 35 | 34 | 33 | 32 |
B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
Bf | Be | Bd | Bc | Bb | Ba | B9 | B8 |
G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
Gf | Ge | Gd | Gc | Gb | Ga | G9 | G8 |
big-endian 8-byte word (lower half) |
Byte 4 | Byte 5 | Byte 6 | Byte 7 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
Rf | Re | Rd | Rc | Rb | Ra | R9 | R8 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
Af | Ae | Ad | Ac | Ab | Aa | A9 | A8 |
little-endian 8-byte word (upper half) |
Byte 7 | Byte 6 | Byte 5 | Byte 4 |
63 | 62 | 61 | 60 | 59 | 58 | 57 | 56 | 55 | 54 | 53 | 52 | 51 | 50 | 49 | 48 | 47 | 46 | 45 | 44 | 43 | 42 | 41 | 40 | 39 | 38 | 37 | 36 | 35 | 34 | 33 | 32 |
Af | Ae | Ad | Ac | Ab | Aa | A9 | A8 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
Rf | Re | Rd | Rc | Rb | Ra | R9 | R8 |
R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
little-endian 8-byte word (lower half) |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
Gf | Ge | Gd | Gc | Gb | Ga | G9 | G8 |
G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
Bf | Be | Bd | Bc | Bb | Ba | B9 | B8 |
B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
All three components are full-range unsigned integers.
Inside Adobe Premiere, 'A46L' is known as BGRA_4444_16u.
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Does SheerVideo support 'b48r'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'b48r' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows,
but currently only to 10 bits of precision.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'b48r' is
which encodes from and decodes to 10-bit 'b48r' losslessly in real time.
The generic Sheer encoder encodes 'b48r' as Sheer RGB[A] 10bf.
Sheer RGB[A] 8bf also encodes from and decodes to this pixel format in real time, but only to 8 bits of precision.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4] also encode from and decode to 'b48r',
though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'b48r' is a chunky display-color pixel format
with a precision of up to 16 bits per component,
where the components are stored in a 48-bit word in the big-endian order
- R: Red
- G: Green
- B: Blue
All three components are full-range unsigned integers.
Inside QuickTime, 'b48r' is known as k48RGBCodecType.
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Does SheerVideo support 'R10k'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'R10k' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to full-range 'R10k' is
which encodes from and decodes to full-range 'R10k' losslessly in real time.
Sheer RGB[A] 10bv also codes full-range 'R10k', though not losslessly, and not always in real time.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to video-range 'R10k' is
which encodes from and decodes to video-range 'R10k' losslessly in real time.
Sheer RGB[A] 10bf also codes video-range 'R10k' losslessly except for out-of-range values, though not always in real time.
Sheer RGB[A] 8bf, Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4]
also encode from and decode to 'R10k', though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'R10k' is a chunky display-color pixel format
with a precision of 10 bits per component,
where the components are left-justified in a 32-bit word in the big-endian order
- R: Red
- G: Green
- B: Blue
with 2 bits of padding at the low end of each 32-bit word.
In detail, the components of an 'R10k' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
R9 | R8 | R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
G9 | G8 | G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
B9 | B8 | B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
ø1 | ø0 |
little-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 | ø1 | ø0 |
G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 | B9 | B8 | B7 | B6 |
R1 | R0 | G9 | G8 | G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 |
R9 | R8 | R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 |
All three components are either full-range or video-range unsigned integers,
depending on the value of a four-byte big-endian unsigned integer QuickTime image description extension, 'Rnge',
where 0 means full-range, and 1 means video-range.
Because QuickTime does not make image description extensions of the source or destination pixels available to the encoder or decoder, respectively,
we recommend using the unambiguous full-range 'F10k' and video-range 'S10k' pixel formats instead.
The 'R10k' pixel format is defined by AJA.
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Does SheerVideo support 'F10k'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'F10k' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'F10k' is
which encodes from and decodes to 'F10k' losslessly in real time.
Sheer RGB[A] 10bv, Sheer RGB[A] 8bf, Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4]
also encode from and decode to 'F10k', though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'F10k' is a chunky display-color pixel format
with a precision of 10 bits per component,
where the components are left-justified in a 32-bit word in the big-endian order
- R: Red
- G: Green
- B: Blue
with 2 bits of padding at the low end of each 32-bit word.
In detail, the components of an 'F10k' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
R9 | R8 | R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
G9 | G8 | G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
B9 | B8 | B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
ø1 | ø0 |
little-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 | ø1 | ø0 |
G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 | B9 | B8 | B7 | B6 |
R1 | R0 | G9 | G8 | G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 |
R9 | R8 | R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 |
All three components are full-range unsigned integers.
The 'F10k' pixel format is defined by BitJazz,
and is identical to the full-range version of AJA's 'R10k' pixel format.
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Does SheerVideo support 'S10k'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'S10k' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to video-range 'S10k' is
which encodes from and decodes to 'S10k' losslessly in real time.
Sheer RGB[A] 10bf also codes 'S10k' losslessly except for out-of-range values, though not always in real time.
Sheer RGB[A] 8bf, Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4]
also encode from and decode to 'S10k', though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'S10k' is a chunky display-color pixel format
with a precision of 10 bits per component,
where the components are left-justified in a 32-bit word in the big-endian order
- R: Red
- G: Green
- B: Blue
with 2 bits of padding at the low end of each 32-bit word.
In detail, the components of an 'S10k' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
R9 | R8 | R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
G9 | G8 | G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
B9 | B8 | B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
ø1 | ø0 |
little-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 | ø1 | ø0 |
G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 | B9 | B8 | B7 | B6 |
R1 | R0 | G9 | G8 | G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 |
R9 | R8 | R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 |
All three components are video-range unsigned integers.
The 'S10k' pixel format is defined by BitJazz,
and is identical to the video-range version of AJA's 'R10k' pixel format.
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Does SheerVideo support 'r210'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'r210' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to video-range 'r210' is
which encodes from and decodes to video-range 'r210' losslessly in real time.
Sheer RGB[A] 10bf also codes video-range 'r210' losslessly except for out-of-range values, though not always in real time.
Although the 'r210' pixel format is supposed to be video-range, it is sometimes used for full-range data.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to full-range 'r210' is
which encodes from and decodes to full-range 'r210' losslessly in real time.
Sheer RGB[A] 10bv also codes full-range 'r210', though not losslessly, and not always in real time.
Sheer RGB[A] 8bf, Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4]
also encode from and decode to 'r210', though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'r210' is a chunky display-color pixel format
with a precision of 10 bits per component,
where the components are right-justified in a 32-bit word in the big-endian order
- R: Red
- G: Green
- B: Blue
with 2 bits of padding at the high end of each 32-bit word.
In detail, the components of an 'r210' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
ø1 | ø0 |
R9 | R8 | R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
G9 | G8 | G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
B9 | B8 | B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
little-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 | B9 | B8 |
R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 | G9 | G8 | G7 | G6 |
ø1 | ø0 | R9 | R8 | R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 |
All three components are ordinarily video-range unsigned integers.
If full-range data is stored in 'r210' format, it should be tagged as such with a four-byte big-endian unsigned integer QuickTime image description extension, 'Rnge',
where 0 means full-range, and 1 means video-range.
Because QuickTime does not make image description extensions of the source or destination pixels available to the encoder or decoder, respectively,
we recommend using the unambiguous full-range 'F210' and video-range 'S210' pixel formats instead.
The 'r210' pixel format is defined by Blackmagic Design.
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Does SheerVideo support 'F210'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'F210' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'F210' is
which encodes from and decodes to 'F210' losslessly in real time.
Sheer RGB[A] 10bv, Sheer RGB[A] 8bf, Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4]
also encode from and decode to 'F210', though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'F210' is a chunky display-color pixel format
with a precision of 10 bits per component,
where the components are right-justified in a 32-bit word in the big-endian order
- R: Red
- G: Green
- B: Blue
with 2 bits of padding at the high end of each 32-bit word.
In detail, the components of an 'F210' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
ø1 | ø0 |
R9 | R8 | R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
G9 | G8 | G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
B9 | B8 | B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
little-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 | B9 | B8 |
R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 | G9 | G8 | G7 | G6 |
ø1 | ø0 | R9 | R8 | R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 |
All three components are video-range unsigned integers.
The 'F210' pixel format is defined by BitJazz,
and is identical to the full-range version of Blackmagic Design's 'r210' pixel format.
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Does SheerVideo support 'S210'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'S210' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to video-range 'S210' is
which encodes from and decodes to 'S210' losslessly in real time.
Sheer RGB[A] 10bf also codes 'S210' losslessly except for out-of-range values, though not always in real time.
Sheer RGB[A] 8bf, Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4]
also encode from and decode to 'S210', though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'S210' is a chunky display-color pixel format
with a precision of 10 bits per component,
where the components are right-justified in a 32-bit word in the big-endian order
- R: Red
- G: Green
- B: Blue
with 2 bits of padding at the high end of each 32-bit word.
In detail, the components of an 'S210' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
ø1 | ø0 |
R9 | R8 | R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
G9 | G8 | G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
B9 | B8 | B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
little-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 | B9 | B8 |
R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 | G9 | G8 | G7 | G6 |
ø1 | ø0 | R9 | R8 | R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 |
All three components are video-range unsigned integers.
The 'S210' pixel format is defined by BitJazz,
and is identical to the video-range version of Blackmagic Design's 'r210' pixel format.
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Does SheerVideo support ARGB?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'ARGB' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'ARGB' is
which encodes from and decodes to ARGB losslessly in real time.
Sheer RGB[A] 10bf also encodes from and decodes back to this pixel format losslessly in real time.
The generic Sheer encoder encodes 'ARGB' as Sheer RGB[A] 8bf.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4] also encodes from and decodes to the 'ARGB' pixel format losslessly using Synchromy, though not always in real time.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4] also encode from and decode to 'ARGB',
though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'ARGB' is a chunky compositing display-color pixel format
with a precision of 8 bits per component,
where the components are stored in a 32-bit word in the big-endian order
- A: Alpha
- R: Red
- G: Green
- B: Blue
In detail, the components of an ARGB pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
little-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
All four components are full-range unsigned integers.
Inside QuickTime, 'ARGB' is known as k32ARGBPixelFormat,
which has a value of 32 rather than a four-character code.
Inside Adobe Premiere, 'ARGB' is known as ARGB_4444_8u, and was formerly known as ARGB32.
Apple's 'None' codec outputs 'ARGB', among other pixel formats,
and most codecs can display in this format.
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Does SheerVideo support 'VRGB'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'VRGB' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows.
SheerVideo does not currently include a specific codec for RGB[A] 8bv pixel formats.
However, the higher-precision Sheer RGB[A] 10bv codec encodes from and decodes to 'VRGB' losslessly in real time.
The generic Sheer encoder encodes 'ARGB' as Sheer RGB[A] 8bf, which clips out-of-range colors.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4] and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4] also encode from and decode to the 'VRGB' pixel format losslessly using Synchromy, though not always in real time.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4] also encode from and decode to 'VRGB',
though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'VRGB' is a chunky compositing display-color pixel format
with a precision of 8 bits per component,
where the components are stored in a 32-bit word in the big-endian order
- A: Alpha
- R: Red
- G: Green
- B: Blue
In detail, the components of an VRGB pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
little-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
All four components are video-range unsigned integers.
The 'VRGB' pixel format is used by the Avid Meridien uncompressed AVUI codec.
Although the AVUI codec actually codes the image in a Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4] format,
its QuickTime interface only supports RGB[A] 8bv input and output, ostensibly as 'ARGB',
which we call 'VRGB' to distinguish it from the standard full-range 'ARGB' pixel format.
Thus whereas the red, green, and blue components in 'ARGB' all utilize the full 8-bit range [0..255] for displayable colors,
the RGB components in 'VRGB' confine displayable colors to the ITU-R BT.601-4-standard video-range, [16..235],
leaving footroom for subblacks and headroom for superwhites as in standard video-color pixel formats.
When encoding Avid Meridien AVUI files to SheerVideo, set the 'RGB Input Range' to 'Video range' in the Sheer Settings dialog
to inform SheerVideo that the 'ARGB' pixels are actually 'VRGB'.
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Does SheerVideo support 'ABGR'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'ABGR' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'ABGR' is
which encodes from and decodes to 'ABGR' losslessly in real time.
Sheer RGB[A] 10bf also encodes from and decodes back to this pixel format losslessly in real time.
The generic Sheer encoder encodes 'ABGR' as Sheer RGB[A] 8bf.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4] also encodes from and decodes to the 'ABGR' pixel format losslessly using Synchromy, though not always in real time.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4] also encode from and decode to 'ABGR',
though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'ABGR' is a chunky compositing display-color pixel format
with a precision of 8 bits per component,
where the components are stored in a 32-bit word in the big-endian order
- A: Alpha
- B: Blue
- G: Green
- R: Red
In detail, the components of an 'ABGR' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
little-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
All four components are full-range unsigned integers.
Inside QuickTime, 'ABGR' is known as k32ABGRPixelFormat.
The 'ABGR' pixel format is generally not used on the Macintosh.
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Does SheerVideo support 'RGBA'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'RGBA' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'RGBA' is
which encodes from and decodes to 'RGBA' losslessly in real time.
Sheer RGB[A] 10bf also encodes from and decodes back to this pixel format losslessly in real time.
The generic Sheer encoder encodes 'RGBA' as Sheer RGB[A] 8bf.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4] also encodes from and decodes to the 'RGBA' pixel format losslessly using Synchromy, though not always in real time.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4] also encode from and decode to 'RGBA',
though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'RGBA' is a chunky compositing display-color pixel format
with a precision of 8 bits per component,
where the components are stored in a 32-bit word in the big-endian order
- R: Red
- G: Green
- B: Blue
- A: Alpha
In detail, the components of an 'RGBA' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
little-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
All four components are full-range unsigned integers.
Inside QuickTime, 'RGBA' is known as k32RGBAPixelFormat.
The 'RGBA' pixel format is generally not used on the Macintosh.
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Does SheerVideo support 'BGRA'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'BGRA' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'BGRA' is
which encodes from and decodes to 'BGRA' losslessly in real time.
Sheer RGB[A] 10bf also encodes from and decodes back to this pixel format losslessly in real time.
The generic Sheer encoder encodes 'BGRA' as Sheer RGB[A] 8bf.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4] also encodes from and decodes to the 'BGRA' pixel format losslessly using Synchromy, though not always in real time.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4] also encode from and decode to 'BGRA',
though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'BGRA' is a chunky compositing display-color pixel format
with a precision of 8 bits per component,
where the components are stored in a 32-bit word in the big-endian order
- B: Blue
- G: Green
- R: Red
- A: Alpha
In detail, the components of a 'BGRA' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
little-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
R7 | R6 | R5 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
G7 | G6 | G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
All four components are full-range unsigned integers.
Inside QuickTime, 'BGRA' is known as k32BGRAPixelFormat.
Inside Adobe Premiere, 'BGRA' is known as BGRA_4444_8u, and was formerly known as BGRA32.
The 'BGRA' pixel format is generally not used on the Macintosh.
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Does SheerVideo support '24BG' or BGR?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'24BG' or 'BGR ' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on PC+Windows.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'BGR ' is
which encodes from and decodes to 'RGB ' losslessly in real time.
Sheer RGB 10b also encodes from and decodes back to this pixel format losslessly in real time.
The generic Sheer encoder encodes 'BGR ' as Sheer RGB[A] 8bf.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4] also encodes from and decodes to the 'BGR ' pixel format losslessly using Synchromy, though not always in real time.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4] also encode from and decode to 'BRA ',
though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'BGR ' is a chunky display-color pixel format
with a precision of 8 bits per component,
where the components are stored in a 24-bit word in the big-endian order
- B: Blue
- G: Green
- R: Red
All three components are full-range unsigned integers.
Inside QuickTime, '24BG' is known as k24BGRPixelFormat.
The 'BGR ' pixel format is generally not used on the Macintosh.
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Does SheerVideo support RGB?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'RGB ' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on PC+Windows.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'RGB ' is
which encodes from and decodes to 'RGB ' losslessly in real time.
Sheer RGB 10b also encodes from and decodes back to this pixel format losslessly in real time.
The generic Sheer encoder encodes 'RGB ' as Sheer RGB[A] 8bf.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4] also encodes from and decodes to the RGB pixel format losslessly using Synchromy, though not always in real time.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4] also encode from and decode to 'RGB ',
though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'RGB ' is a chunky display-color pixel format
with a precision of 8 bits per component,
where the components are stored in a 24-bit word in the big-endian order
- R: Red
- G: Green
- B: Blue
All three components are full-range unsigned integers.
Inside QuickTime, RGB is known as k24RGBPixelFormat,
which has a value of 24, rather than a four-character code.
The 'RGB ' pixel format is generally not used on the Macintosh.
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Does SheerVideo support 'B565'?
No, SheerVideo does not support the 'B565' pixel format.
SheerVideo does not support any pixel formats with a precision of less than 8 bits per component,
nor does it support pixel formats of non-uniform precision.
'B565' is a chunky display-color pixel format with a precision of 5 bits per red and blue component,
and 6 bits for the green component,
where the components are stored in a 16-bit word in the big-endian order
- R: Red
- G: Green
- B: Blue
- A: Alpha
In detail, the components of a 'B565' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 2-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
little-endian 2-byte word |
Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
G2 | G1 | G0 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 | G5 | G4 | G3 |
All three color components are full-range unsigned integers.
Inside QuickTime, 'B565' is known as k16BE565PixelFormat.
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Does SheerVideo support 'L565'?
Yes, to a limited extent. SheerVideo supports real-time decoding to the the 'L565' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows,
but only from the Sheer RGB[A] 8bf and Sheer RGB[A] 10bf codecs,
not for any Sheer Y'CbCr[A] codecs, and only for decoding, not for encoding.
In general, SheerVideo does not support any pixel formats with a precision of less than 8 bits per component.
However, both the Sheer RGB[A] 8bf and Sheer RGB[A] 10bf codecs can display to the 'L565' format for increased speed at lower color precision.
'L565' is a chunky display-color pixel format with a precision of 5 bits per red and green component,
and 6 bits for the green component,
where the components are stored in a 16-bit word in the little-endian order
- R: Red
- G: Green
- B: Blue
- A: Alpha
In detail, the components of an 'L565' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 2-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
G2 | G1 | G0 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 | G5 | G4 | G3 |
little-endian 2-byte word |
Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
G5 | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
All three color components are full-range unsigned integers.
Inside QuickTime, 'L565' is known as k16LE565PixelFormat.
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Does SheerVideo support 'B555'?
Yes, to a limited extent. SheerVideo supports real-time decoding to the the 'B555' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows,
but only from the Sheer RGB[A] 8bf and Sheer RGB[A] 10bf codecs,
not for any Sheer Y'CbCr[A] codecs, and only for decoding, not for encoding.
In general, SheerVideo does not support any pixel formats with a precision of less than 8 bits per component.
However, both the Sheer RGB[A] 8bf and Sheer RGB[A] 10bf codecs can display to the 'B555' format for increased speed at lower color precision.
'B555' is a chunky display-color pixel format with a precision of 5 bits per color component,
where the components are stored in a 16-bit word in the big-endian order
- R: Red
- G: Green
- B: Blue
In detail, the components of an 'B555' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 2-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
ø0 |
R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
little-endian 2-byte word |
Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
ø0 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 | G4 | G3 |
G2 | G1 | G0 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
All three components are full-range unsigned integers.
Inside QuickTime, 'B555' is known as k16BE555PixelFormat, which has the value 16 instead of a four-character code.
In the Macintosh user interface, 'B555' is usually known as "Thousands of Colors", or 16-bit color.
The 'B555' pixel format is used mainly on the Mac; On PC+Windows, 'L555' and 'L565' are generally used instead.
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Does SheerVideo support '5551'?
No, SheerVideo does not support the '5551' pixel format.
SheerVideo does not support any pixel formats with a precision of less than 8 bits per component,
nor does it support pixel formats of non-uniform precision.
'5551' is a chunky compositing display-color pixel format with a precision of 5 bits per color component,
and 1 bit for the alpha component,
where the components are stored in a 16-bit word in the little-endian order
- R: Red
- G: Green
- B: Blue
- A: Alpha
In detail, the components of an 'L555' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 2-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
G1 | G0 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 | A0 |
R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 | G4 | G3 | G2 |
little-endian 2-byte word |
Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
A0 |
All four components are full-range unsigned integers.
Inside QuickTime, '5551' is known as k16LE5551PixelFormat.
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Does SheerVideo support 'L555'?
Yes, to a limited extent. SheerVideo supports real-time decoding to the the 'L555' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows,
but only from the Sheer RGB[A] 8bf and Sheer RGB[A] 10bf codecs,
not for any Sheer Y'CbCr[A] codecs, and only for decoding, not for encoding.
In general, SheerVideo does not support any pixel formats with a precision of less than 8 bits per component.
However, both the Sheer RGB[A] 8bf and Sheer RGB[A] 10bf codecs can display to the 'L555' format for increased speed at lower color precision.
'L555' is a chunky display-color pixel format with a precision of 5 bits per color component,
where the components are stored in a 16-bit word in the little-endian order
In detail, the components of an 'L555' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 2-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
ø0 | R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 | G4 | G3 |
G2 | G1 | G0 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
little-endian 2-byte word |
Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
ø0 |
R4 | R3 | R2 | R1 | R0 |
G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 | G0 |
B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 | B0 |
All three components are full-range unsigned integers.
Inside QuickTime, 'L555' is known as k16LE555PixelFormat.
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Does SheerVideo support 'b32a'?
No, SheerVideo does not currently support the 'b32a' pixel format
'b32a' is a chunky compositing monochrome pixel format
with a precision of up to 16 bits per component,
where the components are stored in a 32-bit word in the big-endian order
- A: Alpha
- Y': Luma (Gray)
Both components are full-range unsigned integers.
Inside QuickTime, 'b32a' is known as k32AlphaGrayCodecType.
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Does SheerVideo support 'b16g'?
No, SheerVideo does not currently support the 'b16g' pixel format.
'b16g' is a chunky compositing monochrome pixel format
with a precision of up to 16 bits per component,
where the component is stored in a 16-bit word in the order
The component is a full-range unsigned integer.
Inside QuickTime, 'b16g' is known as k16GrayCodecType.
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Does SheerVideo support YA8?
No, SheerVideo does not currently support the 'YA8 ' pixel format.
'YA8 ' is a chunky compositing monochrome pixel format
with a precision of 8 bits per component,
where the components are stored in a 16-bit word in the big-endian order
- A: Alpha
- Y': Luma (Gray)
Both components are full-range unsigned integers.
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Does SheerVideo support Y or 'Y800'?
No, SheerVideo does not currently support the 'Y8 ' pixel format.
'Y8 ' is a monochrome pixel format with a precision of 8 bits per component,
where the component is stored in a 8-bit word in the order
- Y': Luma (Gray)
The component is a full-range unsigned integer.
Inside QuickTime, 'Y8 ' is known as 'k8IndexedGrayPixelFormat',
which has the value 40 instead of a four-character code.
Apple's 'None' codec outputs 'Y8 ', among other pixel formats.
In Windows Media, an alternative name for this format is 'Y800'.
If you want SheerVideo support for 'Y800' in QuickTime, send us a sample for testing.
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Does SheerVideo support 'V416'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'V416' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows,
but currently only to 10 bits of precision.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'V416' is
- Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4]
which encodes from and decodes to 10-bit 'V416' losslessly in real time.
The generic Sheer encoder encodes 'V416' as Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4].
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4] also encodes from and decodes to this pixel format in real time, but only to 8 bits of precision.
Sheer RGB 10bf, Sheer RGB 8bf, Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4] also encode from and decode to this pixel format,
though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'V416' is a chunky compositing video-color pixel format
with a precision of up to 16 bits per component,
where the components are stored in a 64-bit word in the big-endian order
- Cb: Blue-Yellow Chroma, loosely denoted U
- Y': Luma, loosely denoted Y
- Cr: Red-Cyan Chroma, loosely denoted V
- A: Alpha
In detail, the components of a 'V416' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 8-byte word (upper half) |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
63 | 62 | 61 | 60 | 59 | 58 | 57 | 56 | 55 | 54 | 53 | 52 | 51 | 50 | 49 | 48 | 47 | 46 | 45 | 44 | 43 | 42 | 41 | 40 | 39 | 38 | 37 | 36 | 35 | 34 | 33 | 32 |
V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
Vf | Ve | Vd | Vc | Vb | Va | V9 | V8 |
U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
Uf | Ue | Ud | Uc | Ub | Ua | U9 | U8 |
big-endian 8-byte word (lower half) |
Byte 4 | Byte 5 | Byte 6 | Byte 7 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
Yf | Ye | Yd | Yc | Yb | Ya | Y9 | Y8 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
Af | Ae | Ad | Ac | Ab | Aa | A9 | A8 |
little-endian 8-byte word (upper half) |
Byte 7 | Byte 6 | Byte 5 | Byte 4 |
63 | 62 | 61 | 60 | 59 | 58 | 57 | 56 | 55 | 54 | 53 | 52 | 51 | 50 | 49 | 48 | 47 | 46 | 45 | 44 | 43 | 42 | 41 | 40 | 39 | 38 | 37 | 36 | 35 | 34 | 33 | 32 |
Af | Ae | Ad | Ac | Ab | Aa | A9 | A8 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
Yf | Ye | Yd | Yc | Yb | Ya | Y9 | Y8 |
Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
little-endian 8-byte word (lower half) |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
Uf | Ue | Ud | Uc | Ub | Ua | U9 | U8 |
U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
Vf | Ve | Vd | Vc | Vb | Va | V9 | V8 |
V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
All three components are video-range unsigned integers.
Inside Adobe Premiere, 'V416' is known as VUYA_4444_16u.
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Does SheerVideo support 'v410'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'v410' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'v410' is
- Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4]
which encodes from and decodes to 'v410' losslessly in real time.
The generic Sheer encoder encodes 'v410' as Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4].
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4] also encodes from and decodes to this pixel format in real time,
but only to 8 bits of precision.
Sheer RGB 10bf, Sheer RGB 8bf, Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4] also encode from and decode to this pixel format,
though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'v410' is a chunky video-color pixel format
with a precision of 10 bits per component,
where the components are left-justified in a 32-bit word in the little-endian order
- Cr: Red-Cyan Chroma, loosely denoted V
- Y': Luma, loosely denoted Y
- Cb: Blue-Yellow Chroma, loosely denoted U
with 2 bits of padding at the low end of each 32-bit word.
In detail, the components of a 'v410' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 | ø1 | ø0 |
Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 | U9 | U8 | U7 | U6 |
V1 | V0 | Y9 | Y8 | Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 |
V9 | V8 | V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 |
little-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
V9 | V8 | V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
Y9 | Y8 | Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
U9 | U8 | U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
ø1 | ø0 |
All three components are video-range integers: Y' is unsigned; Cb and Cr are offset binary.
Inside QuickTime, 'v410' is known as k444YpCbCr10CodecType.
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Does SheerVideo support 'v408'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'v408' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'v408' is
- Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4]
which encodes from and decodes to 'v408' losslessly in real time.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4] also encodes from and decodes back to this pixel format losslessly in real time.
The generic Sheer encoder encodes 'v408' as Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4].
Sheer RGB[A] 10bf also encodes from and decodes to the 'v408' pixel format losslessly (except for out-of-range colors) using Synchromy, though not always in real time.
Sheer RGB[A] 8bf, Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4] also encode from and decode to 'v408',
though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'v408' is a chunky compositing video-color pixel format
with a precision of 8 bits per component,
where the components are stored in a 32-bit word in the big-endian order
- Cb: Blue-Yellow Chroma, loosely denoted U
- Y': Luma, loosely denoted Y
- Cr: Red-Cyan Chroma, loosely denoted V
- A: Alpha
In detail, the components of a 'v408' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
little-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
All four color components are video-range integers: A and Y' are unsigned; Cb and Cr are offset binary.
Inside QuickTime, 'v408' is known as k4444YpCbCrA8CodecType.
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Does SheerVideo support 'VUYA'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'VUYA' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'VUYA' is
- Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4]
which encodes from and decodes to 'VUYA' losslessly in real time.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4] also encodes from and decodes back to this pixel format losslessly in real time.
The generic Sheer encoder encodes 'VUYA' as Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4].
Sheer RGB[A] 10bf also encodes from and decodes to the 'VUYA' pixel format losslessly (except for out-of-range colors) using Synchromy, though not always in real time.
Sheer RGB[A] 8bf, Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4] also encode from and decode to 'VUYA',
though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'VUYA' is a chunky compositing video-color pixel format
with a precision of 8 bits per component,
where the components are stored in a 32-bit word in the big-endian order
- Cb: Blue-Yellow Chroma, loosely denoted U
- Y': Luma, loosely denoted Y
- Cr: Red-Cyan Chroma, loosely denoted V
- A: Alpha
In detail, the components of a 'VUYA' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
little-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
All four color components are video-range integers: A and Y' are unsigned; Cb and Cr are offset binary.
Inside Adobe Premiere, 'VUYA' is known as VUYA_4444_8u, and was formerly known as VUYA32.
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Does SheerVideo support 'r408'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'r408' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'r408' is
- Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bu 4:4:4[:4]
an unbiassed variant of the Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4] codec,
which encodes from and decodes to 'r408' losslessly in real time.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4] also encodes from and decodes back to this pixel format losslessly (except for out-of-range colors) in real time.
The generic Sheer encoder encodes 'r408' as Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bu 4:4:4[:4].
Sheer RGB[A] 10bf also encodes from and decodes to the 'r408' pixel format losslessly (except for out-of-range colors) using Synchromy, though not always in real time.
Sheer RGB[A] 8bf, Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4] also encode from and decode to 'r408',
though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'r408' is a chunky compositing video-color pixel format
with a precision of 8 bits per component,
where the components are stored in a 32-bit word in the big-endian order
- A: Alpha
- Y': Luma, loosely denoted Y
- Cb: Blue-Yellow Chroma, loosely denoted U
- Cr: Red-Cyan Chroma, loosely denoted V
In detail, the components of an 'r408' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
little-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
Alpha is a full-range unsigned integer, Y' is an unbiassed-range unsigned integer,
and Cb and Cr are video-range offset binary integers.
'r408' is designed as a rendering format for algorithms that already handle 'ARGB'.
Inside QuickTime, 'r408' is known as k4444YpCbCrA8RCodecType.
This may also be the same as the Windows Media pixel format 'AYUV',
likewise a Y'CbCr[A] 8b 4:4:4[:4] format
with component order (Alpha, Luma, Blue-Yellow Chroma, Red-Cyan Chroma).
It may also be what Avid Meridien refers to as 'AVUI'.
If you want SheerVideo support for 'AYUV' or 'AVUI' in QuickTime, please send us samples for testing.
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Does SheerVideo support 'v308' or 'IRAW'?
No, SheerVideo does not currently support the 'v308' pixel format.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'v308' would be Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4].
'v308'< is a chunky video-color pixel format
with a precision of 8 bits per component,
where the components are stored in a 24-bit word in the big-endian order
- Cb: Blue-Yellow Chroma, loosely denoted V
- Y': Luma, loosely denoted Y
- Cr: Red-Cyan Chroma, loosely denoted U
All three components are video-range integers: Y' is unsigned; Cb and Cr are offset binary.
Inside QuickTime, 'v308' is known as k444YpCbCr8CodecType.
In Windows Media, Intel refers to 'v308' as 'IRAW'.
If you want SheerVideo support for 'v308' or 'IRAW' in QuickTime, send us samples for testing.
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Does SheerVideo support 'Y216'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'Y216' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows.
but currently only to 10 bits of precision.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'Y216' is
- Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4]
which encodes from and decodes to 'Y216' losslessly in real time.
The generic Sheer encoder encodes 'Y216' as Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4].
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4] also encodes from and decodes to the 'Y216' pixel format in real time,
but only to 8 bits of precision.
Sheer RGB 10bf, Sheer RGB 8bf, Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4] also encode from and decode to 'Y216',
though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'Y216' is a chunky video-color pixel format
with a precision of up to 16 bits per component,
with chroma subsampled by 2 horizontally, the chroma samples cosited with the left luma sample,
where the little-endian components for each horizontal pair of luma pixels are stored in a 64-bit word in the big-endian order
- Cb: Blue-Yellow Chroma, loosely denoted U
- Y'0: Luma 0
- Cr: Red-Cyan Chroma, loosely denoted V
- Y'1: Luma 1
In detail, the components of a 'Y216' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 8-byte word (upper half) |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
63 | 62 | 61 | 60 | 59 | 58 | 57 | 56 | 55 | 54 | 53 | 52 | 51 | 50 | 49 | 48 | 47 | 46 | 45 | 44 | 43 | 42 | 41 | 40 | 39 | 38 | 37 | 36 | 35 | 34 | 33 | 32 |
U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
Uf | Ue | Ud | Uc | Ub | Ua | U9 | U8 |
Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
Yf | Ye | Yd | Yc | Yb | Ya | Y9 | Y8 |
big-endian 8-byte word (lower half) |
Byte 4 | Byte 5 | Byte 6 | Byte 7 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
Vf | Ve | Vd | Vc | Vb | Va | V9 | V8 |
Z7 | Z6 | Z5 | Z4 | Z3 | Z2 | Z1 | Z0 |
Zf | Ze | Zd | Zc | Zb | Za | Z9 | Z8 |
little-endian 8-byte word (upper half) |
Byte 7 | Byte 6 | Byte 5 | Byte 4 |
63 | 62 | 61 | 60 | 59 | 58 | 57 | 56 | 55 | 54 | 53 | 52 | 51 | 50 | 49 | 48 | 47 | 46 | 45 | 44 | 43 | 42 | 41 | 40 | 39 | 38 | 37 | 36 | 35 | 34 | 33 | 32 |
Zf | Ze | Zd | Zc | Zb | Za | Z9 | Z8 | Z7 | Z6 | Z5 | Z4 | Z3 | Z2 | Z1 | Z0 |
Vf | Ve | Vd | Vc | Vb | Va | V9 | V8 | V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
little-endian 8-byte word (lower half) |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
Yf | Ye | Yd | Yc | Yb | Ya | Y9 | Y8 | Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
Uf | Ue | Ud | Uc | Ub | Ua | U9 | U8 | U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
All four components are apparently two's-complement integers with 3 bits of headroom.
In Pinnacle documentation, 'Y216' is known as TARGA Ciné YUV16.
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Does SheerVideo support 'v216'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'v216' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows.
but currently only to 10 bits of precision.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'v216' is
- Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4]
which encodes from and decodes to 'v216' losslessly in real time.
The generic Sheer encoder encodes 'v216' as Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4].
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4] also encodes from and decodes to the 'v216' pixel format in real time,
but only to 8 bits of precision.
Sheer RGB 10bf, Sheer RGB 8bf, Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4] also encode from and decode to 'v216',
though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'v216' is a chunky video-color pixel format
with a precision of up to 16 bits per component,
with chroma subsampled by 2 horizontally, the chroma samples cosited with the left luma sample,
where the little-endian components for each horizontal pair of luma pixels are stored in a 64-bit word in the big-endian order
- Cb: Blue-Yellow Chroma, loosely denoted U
- Y'0: Luma 0
- Cr: Red-Cyan Chroma, loosely denoted V
- Y'1: Luma 1
In detail, the components of a 'v216' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 8-byte word (upper half) |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
63 | 62 | 61 | 60 | 59 | 58 | 57 | 56 | 55 | 54 | 53 | 52 | 51 | 50 | 49 | 48 | 47 | 46 | 45 | 44 | 43 | 42 | 41 | 40 | 39 | 38 | 37 | 36 | 35 | 34 | 33 | 32 |
U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
Uf | Ue | Ud | Uc | Ub | Ua | U9 | U8 |
Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
Yf | Ye | Yd | Yc | Yb | Ya | Y9 | Y8 |
big-endian 8-byte word (lower half) |
Byte 4 | Byte 5 | Byte 6 | Byte 7 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
Vf | Ve | Vd | Vc | Vb | Va | V9 | V8 |
Z7 | Z6 | Z5 | Z4 | Z3 | Z2 | Z1 | Z0 |
Zf | Ze | Zd | Zc | Zb | Za | Z9 | Z8 |
little-endian 8-byte word (upper half) |
Byte 7 | Byte 6 | Byte 5 | Byte 4 |
63 | 62 | 61 | 60 | 59 | 58 | 57 | 56 | 55 | 54 | 53 | 52 | 51 | 50 | 49 | 48 | 47 | 46 | 45 | 44 | 43 | 42 | 41 | 40 | 39 | 38 | 37 | 36 | 35 | 34 | 33 | 32 |
Zf | Ze | Zd | Zc | Zb | Za | Z9 | Z8 | Z7 | Z6 | Z5 | Z4 | Z3 | Z2 | Z1 | Z0 |
Vf | Ve | Vd | Vc | Vb | Va | V9 | V8 | V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
little-endian 8-byte word (lower half) |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
Yf | Ye | Yd | Yc | Yb | Ya | Y9 | Y8 | Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
Uf | Ue | Ud | Uc | Ub | Ua | U9 | U8 | U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
All four components are video-range unsigned integers: Y' is unsigned; Cb and Cr are offset binary.
Inside QuickTime, 'v216' is known as k422YpCbCr16CodecType.
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Does SheerVideo support 'v210' or 'V210'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'v210' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'v210' is
- Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4]
which encodes from and decodes to 'v210' losslessly in real time.
The generic Sheer encoder encodes 'v210' as Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4].
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4] also encodes from and decodes to the 'v210' pixel format in real time,
but only to 8 bits of precision.
Sheer RGB 10bf, Sheer RGB 8bf, Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4] also encode from and decode to 'v210',
though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'v210' is a chunky video-color pixel format
with a precision of 10 bits per component,
with chroma subsampled by 2 horizontally, the chroma samples cosited with the left luma sample,
where the components are stored 3 at a time, left-justified in 32-bit words in the little-endian order
- Cb: Blue-Yellow Chroma, loosely denoted U
- Y'0: Luma 0
- Cr: Red-Cyan Chroma, loosely denoted V
- Y'1: Luma 1
with 2 bits of padding at the high end of each 32-bit word.
In detail, the 'v210' components are packed in a cycle of 3 pixels per 4 words as follows:
big-endian 4-byte word 0 |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 | U9 | U8 |
V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 | Y9 | Y8 | Y7 | Y6 |
ø1 | ø0 | V9 | V8 | V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 |
big-endian 4-byte word 1 |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
Z7 | Z6 | Z5 | Z4 | Z3 | Z2 | Z1 | Z0 |
U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 | Z9 | Z8 |
Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 | U9 | U8 | U7 | U6 |
ø1 | ø0 | Y9 | Y8 | Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 |
big-endian 4-byte word 2 |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
Z5 | Z4 | Z3 | Z2 | Z1 | Z0 | V9 | V8 |
U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 | Z9 | Z8 | Z7 | Z6 |
ø1 | ø0 | U9 | U8 | U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 |
big-endian 4-byte word 3 |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 | Y9 | Y8 |
Z3 | Z2 | Z1 | Z0 | V9 | V8 | V7 | V6 |
ø1 | ø0 | Z9 | Z8 | Z7 | Z6 | Z5 | Z4 |
little-endian 4-byte word 0 |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
ø1 | ø0 |
V9 | V8 | V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
Y9 | Y8 | Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
U9 | U8 | U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
little-endian 4-byte word 0 |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
ø1 | ø0 |
Y9 | Y8 | Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
U9 | U8 | U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
Z9 | Z8 | Z7 | Z6 | Z5 | Z4 | Z3 | Z2 | Z1 | Z0 |
little-endian 4-byte word 0 |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
ø1 | ø0 |
U9 | U8 | U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
Z9 | Z8 | Z7 | Z6 | Z5 | Z4 | Z3 | Z2 | Z1 | Z0 |
V9 | V8 | V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
little-endian 4-byte word 0 |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
ø1 | ø0 |
Z9 | Z8 | Z7 | Z6 | Z5 | Z4 | Z3 | Z2 | Z1 | Z0 |
V9 | V8 | V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
Y9 | Y8 | Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
All four components are video-range unsigned integers: Y' is unsigned; Cb and Cr are offset binary.
Inside QuickTime, 'v210' is known as k422YpCbCr10CodecType.
Apple's 'Uncompressed 10-bit 4:2:2' codec and Blackmagic Design's 10-bit codec, among others, output 'v210'.
Inside Adobe Premiere, this format is known as either V210_422_10u_601 or V210_422_10u_709,
depending on whether it complies with video color standard ITU-R BT.601-4 (NTSC, PAL, or SÉCAM)
or ITU-R BT.709-2, respectively.
Optibase VideoPump refers to 'v210' as 'V210'.
This may also be the same format as 'UYVP'.
If you want SheerVideo support for 'UYVP' in QuickTime, please send us a sample for testing.
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Does SheerVideo support 'YUVP'?
No, SheerVideo does not currently support the 'YUVP' pixel format.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'YUVP' would be Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4].
'YUVP' is a chunky video-color pixel format
with a precision of 10 bits per component,
with chroma subsampled by 2 horizontally, the chroma samples cosited with the left luma sample,
where the components are in the little-endian order
- Y'0: Luma 0
- Cb: Blue-Yellow Chroma, loosely denoted U
- Y'1: Luma 1
- Cr: Red-Cyan Chroma, loosely denoted V
in each horizontal pair of luma pixels;
but how they are packed we don't know yet.
All four components are video-range unsigned integers: Y' is unsigned; Cb and Cr are offset binary.
If you want SheerVideo support for 'YUVP' in QuickTime, please send us a sample for testing.
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Does SheerVideo support '2vuy', '2Vuy', '2VUY', 'uyvy', '224Y' (Y422), 'VNYU' (UYNV), or 'YVYU' (UYVY)?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'2vuy' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to '2vuy' is
- Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4]
which encodes from and decodes to '2vuy' losslessly in real time.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bu 4:4:4[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4],
also encode from and decode to this pixel format in real time, though only the encoding is lossless.
The generic Sheer encoder encodes '2vuy' as Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4].
Sheer RGB[A] 10bf also encodes from and decodes to '2vuy', though not always in real time, and only the encoding is lossless.
Sheer RGB[A] 8bf also encodes from and decodes to '2vuy', though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'2vuy' is a chunky video-color pixel format
with a precision of 8 bits per component,
with chroma subsampled by 2 horizontally, the chroma samples cosited with the left luma sample,
where the little-endian components for each horizontal pair of luma pixels are stored in a 32-bit word in the big-endian order
- Cb: Blue-Yellow Chroma, loosely denoted U
- Y'0: Luma 0
- Cr: Red-Cyan Chroma, loosely denoted V
- Y'1: Luma 1
In detail, the components of a '2vuy' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
Z7 | Z6 | Z5 | Z4 | Z3 | Z2 | Z1 | Z0 |
little-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
Z7 | Z6 | Z5 | Z4 | Z3 | Z2 | Z1 | Z0 |
V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
where Y denotes the luma component to the left and Z the luma component to the right in the image.
All four components are video-range unsigned integers: Y' is unsigned; Cb and Cr are offset binary.
Inside QuickTime, '2vuy' is known as k2vuyPixelFormat, or k422YpCbCr8CodecType.
Apple's 'Uncompressed 8-bit 4:2:2' codec, among others, outputs '2vuy'.
The Apple iSight camera refers to this pixel formats as 'uyvy'.
Inside Adobe Premiere, this format is known as either UYVY_422_8u_601 or UYVY_422_8u_709,
depending on whether it complies with video color standard ITU-R BT.601-4 (NTSC, PAL, or SÉCAM)
or ITU-R BT.709-2, respectively,
Pinnacle TARGA Ciné YUV8 and Blackmagic Design 8-bit call this pixel format '2Vuy',
and Optibase VideoPump calls it '2VUY'.
The same pixel format is called UYVY ('YVYU') by Microsoft,
UYNV ('VNYU') by nVidia,
and Y422 ('224Y') by ADS Technologies.
For some AVI codecs, images in this pixel format are drawn bottom to top.
Note that this pixel format is not the same as the kYVYU422PixelFormat defined but as yet unused by QuickTime.
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Does SheerVideo support 'yuvs', 'YUYV', '2YUY' (YUY2), 'VYUY', or 'YUNV'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'yuvs' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'yuvs' is
- Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4]
which encodes from and decodes to 'yuvs' losslessly in real time.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bu 4:4:4[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4],
also encode from and decode to this pixel format in real time, though only the encoding is lossless.
The generic Sheer encoder encodes 'yuvs' as Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4].
Sheer RGB[A] 10bf also encodes from and decodes to 'yuvs', though not always in real time, and only the encoding is lossless.
Sheer RGB[A] 8bf also encodes from and decodes to 'yuvs', though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'yuvs' is a chunky video-color pixel format
with a precision of 8 bits per component,
with chroma subsampled by 2 horizontally, the chroma samples cosited with the left luma sample,
where the little-endian components for each horizontal pair of luma pixels are stored in a 32-bit word in the big-endian in the order
- Y'0: Luma 0
- Cb: Blue-Yellow Chroma, loosely denoted U
- Y'1: Luma 1
- Cr: Red-Cyan Chroma, loosely denoted V
In detail, the components of a 'yuvs' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
Z7 | Z6 | Z5 | Z4 | Z3 | Z2 | Z1 | Z0 |
V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
little-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
Z7 | Z6 | Z5 | Z4 | Z3 | Z2 | Z1 | Z0 |
U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
where Y denotes the luma component to the left and Z the luma component to the right in the image.
All four components are video-range unsigned integers: Y' is unsigned; Cb and Cr are offset binary.
Inside QuickTime, 'yuvs' is known as kComponentVideoUnsigned, or kYUVSPixelFormat.
Inside Adobe Premiere, this format is known as either YUYV_422_8u_601 or YUYV_422_8u_709,
depending on whether it complies with video color standard ITU-R BT.601-4 (NTSC, PAL, or SÉCAM)
or ITU-R BT.709-2, respectively,
In Windows Media, Canopus calls this format by the literal name 'YUYV';
Microsoft calls it YUY2 ('2YUY');
ATI also uses the alias 'VYUY',
and nVidia also uses the duplicate name 'YUNV'.
For some AVI codecs, images in this pixel format are drawn bottom to top.
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Does SheerVideo support 'UYVY' (YVYU)?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'UYVY' (YVYU) pixel format.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'UYVY' is
- Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4]
which encodes from and decodes to 'UYVY' losslessly in real time.
Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:2:2[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:4:4[:4], Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bu 4:4:4[:4], and Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 10bv 4:4:4[:4],
also encode from and decode to this pixel format in real time, though only the encoding is lossless.
The generic Sheer encoder encodes 'UYVY' as Sheer Y'CbCr[A] 8bv 4:2:2[:4].
Sheer RGB[A] 10bf also encodes from and decodes to 'UYVY', though not always in real time, and only the encoding is lossless.
Sheer RGB[A] 8bf also encodes from and decodes to 'UYVY', though not losslessly and not always in real time.
'UYVY' is a chunky video-color pixel format
with a precision of 8 bits per component,
with chroma subsampled by 2 horizontally, the chroma samples cosited with the left luma sample,
where the little-endian components for each horizontal pair of luma pixels are stored in a 32-bit word in the big-endian in the order
- Y'0: Luma 0
- Cr: Red-Cyan Chroma, loosely denoted V
- Y'1: Luma 1
- Cb: Blue-Yellow Chroma, loosely denoted U
In detail, the components of a 'UYVY' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
Z7 | Z6 | Z5 | Z4 | Z3 | Z2 | Z1 | Z0 |
U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
little-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
Z7 | Z6 | Z5 | Z4 | Z3 | Z2 | Z1 | Z0 |
V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
where Y denotes the luma component to the left and Z the luma component to the right in the image.
All four components are video-range unsigned integers: Y' is unsigned; Cb and Cr are offset binary.
Microsoft calls this format YVYU ('UYVY').
For some AVI codecs, images in this pixel format are drawn bottom to top.
Note that this pixel format is not the same as the kYVYU422PixelFormat defined but as yet unused by QuickTime.
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Does SheerVideo support 'yuvu' or 'yuv2'?
Yes, SheerVideo supports real-time lossless encoding from and decoding to the
'yuvu', or 'yuv2' pixel format,
both progressive and interlaced, at all resolutions and frame rates, on both Mac and PC+Windows.
The specific Sheer codec corresponding to 'yuvu', or 'yuv2' is
which encodes from and decodes to 'yuvu' losslessly in real time.
The generic Sheer encoder encodes 'yuvu' as Sheer Y'CbCr 8bw 4:2:2.
'yuvu' is a chunky video-color pixel format
with a precision of 8 bits per component,
with chroma subsampled by 2 horizontally, the chroma samples cosited with the left luma sample,
where the little-endian components for each horizontal pair of luma pixels are stored in a 32-bit word in the big-endian in the order
- Y'0: Luma 0
- Cb: Blue-Yellow Chroma, loosely denoted U
- Y'1: Luma 1
- Cr: Red-Cyan Chroma, loosely denoted V
In detail, the components of a 'yuv2' pixel are packed as follows:
big-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
Z7 | Z6 | Z5 | Z4 | Z3 | Z2 | Z1 | Z0 |
V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
little-endian 4-byte word |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
V7 | V6 | V5 | V4 | V3 | V2 | V1 | V0 |
Z7 | Z6 | Z5 | Z4 | Z3 | Z2 | Z1 | Z0 |
U7 | U6 | U5 | U4 | U3 | U2 | U1 | U0 |
Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | Y0 |
where Y denotes the luma component to the left and Z the luma component to the right in the image.
All four components are wide-range unsigned integers: Y' is unsigned; Cb and Cr are two's complement.
Inside QuickTime, 'yuvu' is known as kComponentVideoSigned, kYUVUPixelFormat, or kComponentVideoCodecType.
Apple's 'Component Video' codec, among others, outputs 'yuvu'.
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Does SheerVideo support 'Y411', 'Y41P', or 'Y211''?
No, SheerVideo does not support the 'Y411', 'Y41P', or 'Y211' pixel formats.
SheerVideo does not support any pixel formats with a chroma subsampling of less than 1 chroma pixel per 2 luma pixels.
'Y411' and 'Y41P' are planar video-color pixel formats
with a precision of 8 bits per component,
with 4:1:1 chroma subsampling.
All the components are video-range unsigned integers: Y' is unsigned; Cb and Cr are offset binary.
Inside QuickTime, 'Y411' is known as kYUV411PixelFormat.
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Does SheerVideo support 'Y42B' or 'YV16'?
No, SheerVideo does not support the 'Y42B' or 'YV16' pixel formats.
SheerVideo does not support any planar pixel formats.
'Y42B' and 'YV16' are video-color pixel formats
with a precision of 8 bits per component.
All the components are video-range unsigned integers: Y' is unsigned; Cb and Cr are offset binary.
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Does SheerVideo support 'I420, 'IMC1', 'IMC2', 'IMC3', 'IMC4', 'IYUV', 'NV12', 'NV21', 'Y41B', 'YUV9', 'YVU9', or 'YV12'?
No, SheerVideo does not support the 'I420', 'IMC1', 'IMC2', 'IMC3', 'IMC4', 'IYUV', 'NV12', 'NV21', 'Y41B', 'YUV9', 'YVU9', or 'YV12' pixel formats.
SheerVideo does not support any pixel formats with a chroma subsampling of less than 1 chroma pixel per 2 luma pixels,
nor does SheerVideo support any planar pixel formats.
All of these formats are planar formats, and all subsample chroma more coarsely than once every two luma pixels,
as 4:1:1 or worse.
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Does SheerVideo support 'CLJR'?
No, SheerVideo does not support the 'CLJR' pixel format.
SheerVideo does not support any pixel formats with a chroma subsampling of less than 1 chroma pixel per 2 luma pixels,
nor does SheerVideo support any pixel formats of non-uniform precision.
'CLJR' is a video-color pixel format with a precision of 4 bits per luma component and 5 bits per chroma component,
with a 4:1:1 chroma subsampling.
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Does SheerVideo support 'IUYV' or 'M101'?
No, SheerVideo does not support the 'IUYV' or 'M101' pixel formats.
SheerVideo does not support any formats with split fields.
'IUYV' and 'M101' are video-color pixel formats
with a precision of 8 bits per component,
with chroma subsampled by 2 horizontally.
'IUYV' has the same component order as '2vuy'; 'M101' has the same component order as 'yuvs'.
All the components are video-range unsigned integers: Y' is unsigned; Cb and Cr are offset binary.
In both formats, the entire even field is coded before the odd field.
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Does SheerVideo support 'IY41'?
No, SheerVideo does not support the 'IY41' pixel format.
SheerVideo does not support any pixel formats with a chroma subsampling of less than 1 chroma pixel per 2 luma pixels,
nor does SheerVideo support any formats with split fields.
'IY41' is a video-color pixel format
with a precision of 8 bits per component,
with chroma subsampled by 4 horizontally.
All the components are video-range unsigned integers: Y' is unsigned; Cb and Cr are offset binary.
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Does SheerVideo support 'cvuy'?
No, SheerVideo does not support the 'cvuy' pixel format.
SheerVideo does not support any bottom-up formats.
'cvuy' is an upside-down version of '2vuy'.
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Does SheerVideo support 'Y42T'?
No, SheerVideo does not support the 'Y42T' pixel format.
SheerVideo does not support any pixel formats with non-uniform precision.
'Y42T' is similar to '2vuy', except that the the Luma samples are only 7 bits,
with what would otherwise be the least-significant bit serving as a 1-bit alpha component.
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Does SheerVideo support 'Y41T'?
No, SheerVideo does not support the 'Y42T' pixel format.
SheerVideo does not support any pixel formats with a chroma subsampling of less than 1 chroma pixel per 2 luma pixels,
nor does SheerVideo support any pixel formats with non-uniform precision.
'Y41T' has a chroma subsampling of 4:1:1, and is similar to 'Y41P',
except that the the Luma samples are only 7 bits,
with what would otherwise be the least-significant bit serving as a 1-bit alpha component.
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