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SheerVideo FAQ
Uses: Productivity

Does SheerVideo preserve quality?

Does SheerVideo save money?

Does SheerVideo save space?

Does SheerVideo save time?

SheerVideoDoes SheerVideo save time?

Definitely. If you deal with uncompressed, perfect-fidelity compressed, or broadcast-quality compressed video, SheerVideo saves you a lot of time.

For uncompressed video, SheerVideo saves you 60% of your storage and transmission time, because SheerVideo runs faster than just about any storage device or transmission channel, and slims video file sizes down by an average of 60%, with absolutely perfect fidelity. In many cases, such as streaming video to or from ordinary disk drives, SheerVideo makes it possible to operate in real time.

For perfect-fidelity compressed real-world video footage, SheerVideo saves you an average of 98% of your compression time compared to PNG, Microcosm, or PhotoJazz, and 50% of your compression time compared to Apple's Animation codec. For example, on a single-CPU 1 GHz Mac G4, 1 hour of Standard-Definition RGB 8-bit video takes about 16 minutes for SheerVideo to compress with SheerVideo, compared to 20 hours for Digital Anarchy's Microcosm codec, 17 hours for Apple's PNG codec, and 16 hours for BitJazz's PhotoJazz codec.

For broadcast-quality compressed real-world video content, SheerVideo saves you 75% of your compression time on average, compared to Photo JPEG, Motion JPEG A, or Motion JPEG B at Best quality.

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SheerVideoDoes SheerVideo save space?

Yes, if you use uncompressed or perfect-fidelity compressed real-world video, SheerVideo saves you a lot of space.

For uncompressed real-world video content, SheerVideo saves you 60% of your storage space. For example, 1 hour of Standard-Definition RGB 8-bit video takes around 104 GB (gigabytes) of space uncompressed, but typically only 47 GB for SheerVideo, with absolutely zero loss in quality.

For perfect-fidelity compressed real-world video footage, SheerVideo saves you 50% of your storage space compared to Animation, and SheerVideo saves 18% of your storage space compared to PNG.

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SheerVideoDoes SheerVideo preserve quality?

Absolutely. SheerVideo is a perfect-fidelity codec. SheerVideo preserves every single bit of the source image information, and restores it with absolutely exact accuracy, bit-for-bit identical to the source image. SheerVideo introduces no artifacts, no noise, nor any other type of error whatsoever, neither during encoding nor decoding. SheerVideo never degrades the image at all, no matter how many generations of encoding and decoding are applied.

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SheerVideoDoes SheerVideo save money?

Unquestionably. By saving you both time and space with zero loss in quality, SheerVideo saves you a lot of money. Whereas all other codecs compromise between speed, power, and fidelity, SheerVideo alone offers you a "free lunch", with no trade-off at all between time, space, and quality. SheerVideo saves you money by increasing your productivity and efficiency, and reducing your labor cost, storage cost, and transmission cost.

Consider how much time you spend each day waiting for uncompressed video to traverse the network between workstations; how much time you spend compressing and decompressing video for interchange between applications and for archival; how much time you spend spooling uncompressed video data off your storage devices and back on during filtering and other processing; how much time you spend swapping and tracking storage media; and how much time you spend scavenging for additional storage space. Add these times up and divide the total in half to compute how much time you will save by using SheerVideo, and multiply your total daily time savings by how much your time is worth. That's how much SheerVideo saves you in labor costs each day.

Consider how much money you regularly spend on storage media for uncompressed video; SheerVideo will cut that in half. Consider how much money you've already invested in reusable storage media; SheerVideo will double your existing capacity at no cost. And consider how much cheaper your storage devices could be if you could get by with half the transfer rate.

Consider how much money you regularly lay out for transmission of uncompressed video, whether for tuning your local network or for long-distance transmission over expensive channels; SheerVideo will cut that in half. Consider how much money you've already invested in network hardware; SheerVideo will double your existing bandwidth at no cost. And consider how much cheaper your transmission devices and channels could be if you only needed half the bandwidth.

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